The stairwell walls are painted. Hooray! And they actually look pretty good – I hadn’t noticed that the old paint was, well, SHINY (I’m guessing pearl or satin?) until I covered it with glorious eggshell (even Sweetie noticed that the new colour is way less shiny.) (And if Sweetie noticed it, there must be a big difference. I could paint a random wall in my house fuscia [fuschia? fushia? OMG that's a spelling-bee stumper] and I’d probably have to point it out to him before he’d actually notice.) And so, with walls done (I heart you, Edgecomb Gray!), this weekend has become a trim weekend. I hate trim weekends. Painting the baseboards (technical term: stringers? I think?) in my stairwell has possibly been the most boring painting project ever (and I still have one more coat of paint to go.)
One of the contributing factors for why I despise painting trim? I can’t paint straight. At all. I am one of those poor sad people who needs tape. Everywhere. Like, lots and lots of tape. Or else things just get really messy. So while the process of painting the trim (primer coat went on yesterday) (yuppers – I prime everything. Way less frustrating than going back afterwards to try and seal in all those mystery stains when they peek through your lovely new paint job) (and plus it’s a high adhesion primer, which works really well with my aversion to sanding) didn’t actually take that long, taping took forever. And ever. And ever.

Stringers desperate for paint - do you blame them? If you listen really closely, you can almost hear them whispering, "paaaaiint me..."

Miles and miles of green painters' tape. The subtle green stripes are kinda pretty, non?
People who can paint trim and these sorts of things sans tape amaze me. Seriously. Craig Lowe, you are my hero.
(Explanatory aside: Craig Lowe is the painter guy Mike Holmes brings in to paint post-demolition on Holmes on Homes. Sweetie calls him my boyfriend. He does indeed make me swoon just a little. Not because he’s particularly handsome [he is kinda cute though], but because that man can paint a mean room. Without tape. Sigh.) (Random reference, I know.)
While painting the stairwell, I’m figuring I should also paint the doors to the bedrooms (since they’re the original 1940s ugly stained/several-thousand-coats-of-varathane doors, and they don’t really match anything.)
For the record, I love my doorknobs. They need some cleaning up, but old doorknobs make me happy.
I’m thinking I might eventually take them all off and give them a good coat of Oil Rubbed Bronze spraypaint (a la Sherry from YHL.) (Hi Sherry!) For now I’ll just paint around them though…
a) because I’m lazy
b) because I prefer to spraypaint outdoors and it’s, like, minus a gazillion degrees out right now
c) because I just want this stupid stairwell project overwith (and getting fancy with the doorknobs wasn’t part of the original plan for right now.)
SO there it is. Stairwell-Painting-Project Progress Report number 3. And hopefully the last one – there’s nothing like spending your weekend (or three) in a tiny little stairwell. But it may just be the nicest stairwell ever (ev-ver) when I’m done. Or so I’m telling myself.
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