A happy update! My eagerly-awaited and much anticipated (isn’t that a line from something?) (I think it is…) (anyway…) washer/dryer delivery took place over the weekend. Hooray! Well, kinda. I was in bed while the whole move-in (new appliances) and move-out (old appliances) took place – let’s just say it was a long dark day in migraineville. :( When I finally managed to drag myself out of bed, I ran (quite literally) downstairs to soak in (ha ha – funny washer pun) the view in my laundry room. That’s when I saw this…

Scuffy-wuffy was my washer
Yes. That’s right. My washer was scuffed. (Insert a very sad sigh here.) Right on top. Right near the front. Right about where I would be looking EVERY SINGLE TIME I do laundry. Like the mean old movers had dragged something rough and metal across my lovely and perfect new washer. :(
I won’t lie: some tears may have actually fallen over my now less-than-perfect-washer. I KNOW… it’s just a machine. And I know… it’ll likely get banged up over time, but this is the first time I’ve EVER (ev-ver) had my own, brand spanking new appliances. Purchased full price (kinda, minus the sale), not scratch-and-dent, not hand-me-downs, not new-to-me. New. And perfect. At least until I noticed the scuff. I kinda freaked out just a little (shhhh… don’t tell.)
To my rescue? The fine folk at Home Depot. One rather sheepish phone call later (during which I admitted that the scuff is only about an inch long, and mentioned that my hubby thought I was a little OCD for getting a wee bit upset over a scuff) and I have a replacement washer being delivered next week. Yes. Really. :) Brenda, the Home Depot appliances-section lady: you are my hero. She empathized with me. She stated that new appliances should be perfect when delivered to the customer. She agreed that the scuff-spot could rust over time (my main concern.) She was awesome. She has a big hug coming her way the next time I venture into HD. :)
In the meantime, we were told to go ahead and use the new (slightly imperfect) washer. And I’m loving it. Loooooving it. We actually stood there and watched the washer go through the entire wash cycle with our first load of laundry. (Yep – we’re big huge losers like that.) It’s stupidly quiet, and sings a happy little song when the load is clean. I do the laundry dance every time I put a new load in (um, yeah… really.) I’m so in love with these melodious and fantastical machines. And will be even more in love with the non-scuffed version of my washer coming later this week. :)
In the meantime, here’s a quick peek at the laundry room progress to date. Shelves still need to go up above the machines, and the new light needs to be installed still too (the hanging bare light bulb just isn’t fitting for such pretty machines) but the walls are coated in lovely Gossamer Blue-ness…

Laundry room loveliness to date
Big happy sigh. All’s well that ends well, right? More progress updates to follow. :)
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