Last night’s dinnertime conversation went a bit like this…
Me: Yay! The new Ikea catalogue is out!
Sweetie: Ooooh. That is exciting.
Me: I know! However, please note that I don’t yet have one. This is extremely upsetting.
Sweetie: Well, can’t you just order one?
Me: Maybe? [Insert frantic Ikea-website search here.] Crap. No. It looks like they no longer send them out upon request to any household that’s beyond a certain radius from a store. The site says that we need to visit our nearest Ikea location for a catalogue. Oh despair. My world is crumbling.
Sweetie: Well, we’ll just get you a catalogue the next time we pass by a store then.
Me: But there’s all sorts of amazing new stuff at Ikea now and I don’t yet know about it. I need a catalogue now. Now now now.
Sweetie: [Eye rolling]
Me: [Pouting]
Yep. That all actually happened. And yes, it’s sad but true: the FAQ section on Ikea’s website does indeed state that I cannot order the catalogue and have it delivered by mail. I must now trek to my nearest Ikea store in order to view the catalogue that’ll tell me what I want to buy at my nearest Ikea store. To quote my favourite blue and yellow retailer:
The IKEA catalogue is mass-distributed annually in the area around each IKEA store. If you did not receive this year’s catalogue, stop by the IKEA store near you for a free copy.
It’s all a little silly.
Of course, I could peruse the catalogue online. The website reminds me that I can flip through virtual pages as much and as often as I’d like until my heart’s content. There’s even an app for that, the website claims, if I’d like to saunter through the virtual catalogue on my teeny tiny little smartphone screen.
Call me a purist (hell, call me archaic and silly and an outdated poop-head if you’d like) but I want my catalogue, with it’s slightly glossy, thin (but surprisingly durable), glorious real-life pages. I want to dog ear the pages that feature those items that I really really want. And I want to flip leisurely through the catalogue and marvel at all the Ikea awesomeness. Over and over and over again.
However, despite my better judgement, I did indeed visit Ikea’s website. And I did indeed view some of their new products. And I did indeed squeal just a bit in delight.
(Although I would indeed still like a catalogue.)
Here were some of my favourite new items…
There’s marvellous Majviva, the pretty purple-ly duvet cover…
And Ullgump the spectacularly spotty rug…
…which claims to be listed at a new lower price (but I don’t remember it ever existing at an old higher price.)
And while we’re chatting about rugs, I absolutely adore this cheerful yellow swoon-worthy Stockholm rug in yellow…
…which actually does appear to be new to Ikea. And actually does need to come home and live with me somewhere in some room in my not-yet-officially-mine house. :)
Despite being a wee bit (ok, a lot) feminine, these beautiful Borghild curtains may eventually reside in our living room…
(Maybe Sweetie won’t notice that they’re floral?)
And I love that Hemnes now comes in blue…
So lovely!
And there’s more. There are new kitchen items I’m swooning over. And new lighting that I’d like. And new storage options and mirrors and frames and so… much… more.
All discovered while perusing the Ikea website.
I still really, really want a catalogue though.
Dear Ikea folk: If you’re reading this, I adore you lots. Lots and lots and lots. Please please please send me a catalogue.
Love, Melissa. :)
Lol. You can borrow mine :)
Or we can plan an Ikea date soon!
Yes please (and very soon please!) to the Ikea date suggestion! :)