Confessions of a really bad blogger (with really good intentions!)

Posted by on Dec 20, 2013 in Ramblings... | 0 comments

So…  I’ve been a bad blogger.

Call it the winter blahs (does anyone else want to take a four month nap?  OMG I could go for a four month nap.)  Call it the holiday hustling and bustling (I should really start my Christmas shopping soon eh?)  Call it still desperately trying to unpack and make sense of our new house (and deal with a couple surprise house guests [oh the mouse-ey joys of living in an old semi-rural farmhouse] in the mix).  Truthfully, I really have no real reasonable excuse for my quasi-absence lately.  I’ve just been a really bad blogger.

Which makes me sad!  I love my blog!  I love getting up early on a Saturday and sitting down with a cup of coffee and a big bowl of soup (yes, I love soup for breakfast.  Weird?  Sorta.  But so warm and tasty on an early winter morning!) and typing my (sometimes odd) little thoughts out somewhere that’s all mine.  I love wandering around my house with my rather amateur little point-and-shoot and capturing the projects we’re working on or recipes I’m trying or (in most recent history) plans we’re making to improve our currently rather sad-looking humble old mauve abode.

I love being a blogger.

So what to do?  I could quit my job and concentrate on blogging, however Sweetie and I aren’t really in a financial position where it’s reasonable for one of us to stay home full time (although there’s nothing I’d love more than to blog and cook and work on the house all day every day.)  (Oh, how I really should have been a little 1950’s housewife.)  (Wistful sigh…)  Or I could spend every non-working waking moment writing blog posts, but, honestly, I’m exhausted when I come home from work each day, and, sadly, a tired Melissa isn’t a particularly creative Melissa (and I much prefer to lovingly dedicate my weekend mornings to writing, laptop in lap, coffee in hand, and soup being all delicious and stuff on the coffeetable.)

Or I could keep humming along with one happy little post per week (sometimes two if I have a little extra time!) and hope that y’all understand that I’m doing what I can at the moment and would love to write more but just can’t seem to fit it in right now.  As much as I desperately yearn to write more (especially as we start working on this house and begin turning it into an amazing home), one post per week seems to be what’s manageable for me at the moment.

For now at least.  We’ll see what sort of blogging future 2014 holds.  :)


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